Tipos de Scripts



Email Address Validation Script
Scan email addresses to make sure that the email address entered into the textbox contains valid characters.

Combo Jump Script
This script allows you to display a list of site titles in a combo box and allows the user to select one and go to it.

Parse Number to Currency Format
This is a handy script for forms that contain money values. It automatically parses the form element of your choice whenever a surfer enters a number into the standard currency format.

Dynamic Title Adding Script
This script lets a visitor change a piece of text on your page.

Field Clear Script
This script clears a text box when it is clicked on.

Input Box Restrictions
This form validation JavaScript restricts the number of characters allowed inside an input field. Great for preventing people from overloading the form.

Select All Script
This script selects all the content in a scrolling textbox.

Select One 2
This scripts demonstrates how I limited only one selection by deselecting all others and how you can retrieve the value of the box you are selecting.

FormCheck is a generic script which will check and verify that mandatory fields are filled in before form submission. If one or more of the required fields are empty. A popup dialog will appear showing the omitted fields.

Auto Greeting
You can put this in your web page to greet your site visitors according to their local time.

Auto Text Converter
This script will automatically and repeatedly write text into a input field.

Dynamic Fields
The script generates a new feild in your form if you want to add more details. It is 100% client side and it uses a pair of cookies to retain its values across calls. The name of the feild goes like field1, field2 etc and can be used to pass values to the web server.I think this will be useful for data like academic qualifications.

EMail Address Verification
If you ask for the e-mail address to the user in any textfield on a form, this script verifies whether the text entered in the field is in the format user@domain.com

It changes your background colour every day

Last Updated
Automaticly update the date when you have changed the content of you web page.

Clear Form onFocus()
This script clears the content out of a form field onFocus().

Editable Select Box
With the Editable Selectbox control, you can add, edit, delete, and even sort the options in a selectbox. Upon submission, it not only sends the selected item, but also all the other items in the order they appear, encoded in a hidden field.

Code Box Editor
Tiny javascript which can be added to any webpage or blog and allows you to present your html, javascript & css code to your visitors in a more functional way, allowing them to play with & preview codes right on the same page.

Simple Calculation Minus
Simple Calculation Minus : LENGHT DIVIDING








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by Diogo FN
Em: http://diogofn.110mb.com

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